Cover Design Workshop @Simon Marks Primary School London

Cover Design Workshop @Simon Marks Primary School London

This week I had the pleasure of delivering a book cover design workshop at Simon Marks Jewish Primary school in Stoke Newington.

It was planned for a while since I became Author In Resident in the school.
My goal was to give the children the tools they needed to create their books while using the cover design artwork as a starting point.

I brought in some of my favourite children's picture books and discussed what makes a good cover design. I gave them sources of inspiration, reference points, practical tools, and exercises to help them create their cover design.

They had many good questions and got very involved with the task.
It was great to see the kids in a creative flow, concentrating and creating, each in their world, exchanging ideas and showing interest in each other's work. The results were fantastic!
It was a great experience, and I would like to repeat and do more of these workshops as bookmaking is a fantastic tool to access our creativity, connect and share our story through the art of visual storytelling.

The classroom is ready for the Cover Design Workshop!

Books for inspiration and example - Some of my favourite books!

Great start! The children chose colour pallets and thought about the composition,

textures and more! 



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